Horizon....an Epistemology

This is a Diary of my Life...in which I will write what I am facing , what I am conquering , what I am doing, what I am achieving..and stuffs...after all me too having life on earth.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Testing Times!!!!!!

Hello Reader,

Today is the second last day of my job, as on Monday I am leaving this organisation to join a Big multinational company. I do not know whether this company will give me my Documents or not till date. This company is good People are also good, environment is good but Work which I am assigned with is not that good and mean while I got a bigger opportunity so I have grab it... ...really If you want to know the true clour of management people you try giving your resignation, you will come to know who is good to you and who is bad to you. I left this organisation in just two months that is why I am worried about my Documents.

Today I chat with one of my college friend who is working in diferent technology. He was not sounding happy after hearing my news of an oppotunity of getting in to a Big Multinational company. He started speaking ill about the company and convesation lasted for 1 hour.I still do not know why he had done this to me. I told him see Mr.X this your opinion and is not the fact. Let me work there then only one can comment on that. What I think that he might get jealous for me getting in Big MNC and Compensation package is double then him...I really do not know.

I think there should some way to speak or putting your own openion to some one.that he does not know O K time will teach him everything..

I am just waiting for Monday to come and go after that only I will be able to see my future with other company..I am having sleepless nights just because of this..GOD help me!!!!!!!

"Success comes in Cans, not in can'ts."

Bye and Take care!!


Blogger ancodia said...

I hope everything goes wonderfully for you on Monday! Your friend might have said those things for many different reasons; probably he thought he was trying to help? I hope so. And I am hoping your former company will give you your papers--what papers are they, and what will you do if they don't give them to you? I am not familiar with that.

10:56 AM  

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