Hello Readers,
I know I am posting after 15 days (Exactly) but this days were very hectic for me. Only work and work on wek ends also for compensating for my holidays which I am going to take next week. I do not undrstand this Compnsatory Off Fundamental at office at all. If a person is going to take a casual or planned leave than he/ she has to compensate for that, If so then what is the use of having a leave in your account.
Though I am working for 12 hours now, Also in week ends this people will not allow me to take leaves more than 2 day.
Now you all must be thinking why I am so upset about leaves, Its because I am going to my home town for my engagement, she leaves there and I am here, 1000 Kilometers apart...
so I have this many concerns......
Rest is going fine. Work is OK. Getting in to many modules.
My would be better half is fine, I did not expected this much support for my career and for my Professional life.she is giving me the full support for what ever I want to achieve in life.
In IT trms people are called as a RESOURCE instead of Employe or Candidate or a Person, this thing I do not like, The person who is working for the company for 12-14 hours a day he should get some respect at least.Are they machine or what?
" Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom –Good Bye and Take care!!!
-Anonymous "
hope everything is ok with work.
I am so happy you are engaged. You are both very lucky. :)
God bless.
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