Horizon....an Epistemology

This is a Diary of my Life...in which I will write what I am facing , what I am conquering , what I am doing, what I am achieving..and stuffs...after all me too having life on earth.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Be You tiful

Hello Readers,

You know what, I was thinking on the motivation part of human existence.
Do all need motivation to do something and everything in life.
I do work for the motivation of money, I am miles apart from my family because money motivates me, existence of life motivates me to do things which I used to fear a lot in the past.

In the past I was very shy and introvert, I had a nervous break down when I was in first year college, I was not able to speak anything in front of crowd. I used to be aloof with having limited number of friends. then things changed, I took responsibility of my own life and I think every one should know that " You are responsible for what you are" If I want to learn something is it good if I depend on some one, No.. I need to take responsibility to learn what I need.

I took responsibility to teach my self which I felt important for me to get ahead. I took pain and hard work to become what I want to. that's the way.

Off topic: Human existence it self is because of fear, Do you know the different cultures which are in the existence right now is because of the fear of non existence of correlation of the human.
I really think the way we human are thinking no other species in no other generations from past 5000 years had ever thought, this is called as thought evolutions and will be going to evolve like generations to come.

Have you ever thought..

Only in America, do people order double cheese burgers, french fries and a diet coke.

It was a high counsel that once heard given to a young person, " Always do what you are afraid to do" - Ralph Emerson

Good Bye and Take Care!!!!


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