Twenty twenty Tag.....
Hello Readers,
I have been tagged by Mr. Abhishek Khanna
Here is the tag....
So here goes the tag Instructions:
Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. Name Three Most Valuable Assets? Relations, Friends , my family
2. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one? You could not have found better person then me but now its too late.. :-) ( I am married)
3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you? K, Stella, Rashmi....the list is endless ( I need more intelligent people with me,... :-) )
4.Where is the place that you want to go the most?Phuket of course.;-)
5.If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be? To work in NASA research center.
6.Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most? I have not worked hard in 12Th and so could not boost my career otherwise I could have more better.... :-(
7.What are you afraid to lose the most? My friends
8.What would you do if you found a briefcase full of money? I will build a Hospital and a school and a restaurant. ( after that I will quit my job... waw...great idea...)
9.If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? Yes definitely I will confess and make her feel that she did some mistake.
10.List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you. Good writer, Good guy ( I can analyse from his writing), he is in love of Cricket... :-)
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? honesty, trustworthiness, should have courage to tell truth in any situations.
12.Which type of person do you hate the most? egoistic, person who says something and do something else.
13.What is your ambition? To become an entrepreneur.
14.What is the thing that will make you think someone is a bad person? ego, behaviour and the way he/ she talks to the people who they do not know.
15.Christmas is coming, who do you like to celebrate with? I wish I could celebrate with my wife as we are far from each other for a month.
16.If you could do one thing different in life, what would it be?Different?? I would have chosen medical instead of engineering.
17.Are you a shopaholic or no? No, I still have shoes which I have bought 7 years a go... though I do not wear it... :-)
18.What is your stress buster? watch TV and call or meet friends.
19.(My question) Do you think blogging helps to express your thoughts, how? Yes I do think blog helps on expressing thoughts, thoughts which I can not express on some one's face that I can write.. :-)...its a kind of stress buster.
20.Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Have to go for a discussion then conference and then to meet a friend.
I pass this tag on to Karen... ( If you have time....)
Rest is going fine......
Hopefully there will be some news in the next post........ :-)
Consequences are superb teachers.
Their lessons touch you profoundly and stay with you for life. Many of the abstract concepts you come across are quickly forgotten. The consequences you experience, on the other hand, are nearly impossible to forget.
Through consequences you learn, in a personally meaningful way, what works and what doesn't. Through consequences you learn what's important and why.
Both the painful consequences and the joyful ones
are quite memorable. Most importantly, not only do you remember the consequences, you also remember what specific thoughts and actions brought you to them.
You have the magnificent ability to make things
happen, to create your own consequences. The more you learn from the experience of your consequences, the more reliably you're able to create the precise outcomes you desire.
Everything you do has a consequence, and every
consequence has a lesson. Learn well, and create all the best you can envision.
-- Ralph Marston
Good Bye and take care!!!!
hahaha why do you always tag me?
I did it already.
hope the very best in this new year :D
@ K
Thanks.. hehe:-)
thanx for completing the tag.. and thanx for the compliments dude
heyy good work :)
i dint know u had a liking towards!
you can still become a doctor......
You know how?
Its easy man!
Get a PHD.....
we`ll call you DOC!
Nice tag and good work.....
@ Abhishek
My privilege and U deserve that compliments.
@ Pri
yes I always wanted to become a doctor...
Hey... thts really kool and thts on my cards too.... :-)
waiting for IITs or IIScs to invite me.. :-)
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