what say....
Hello Readers,
I am in a strange situation now. I do not know what to do?
Boss has given me a small assignment for 3 months and expects me to learn each and everything so that he can keep the knowledge rolling. I do not have any issues with that. The issue is the assignment that he has given me has nothing to learn. I can not learn anything new in the assignment instead I can change the process and implement the whole new process in to it.
Here everything is running below average process and I am suppose to make all presentations on the new things learnt by me at the end of the assignment I spoke to Boss that there is nothing new to learn and make any presentation out of this he is not agreeing he wants me to prepare an agenda every week for stupid meetings... for 2 weeks it is fine but for 12 weeks...it i not possible for me to make 12 new agendas and prepare a foolish presentations on that.

Apart from that the client is not literate enough to understand the processes and industry practices he just sits work and goes home. He is not interested from getting trained on all refined new processes. I tried once on giving my feedback on existing standards and processes that is being followed but then my Boss told me that you are here not give suggestions but to follow orders. Oh.Man How can I make him understand that what ever I am doing is good for overall improvements. Anyways this is also a new experience for me to grow green fields in a desert ;-)
MIT is superb. I do not find any words to explain the beauty of the institute. Now I got to know that why so many people across the world tries for getting in to the supreme institution like this.
really amazing....
Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.-- David M. Burns
"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." Ronald E. Osborn
Good Bye and Take Care!!!!
I personally think you can never convince your boss that you are capable of something if you cannot follow orders. Prove to him you are a team players, give it some time and things will work out. Then maybe you will definitely have a chance to give your two cents.
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Thanks for the comment
Yes very true.
there is so much i learn from ur blog:)
@ Gunj
blog boy! I want an update of ur life!
I updated my blog! you should go see.
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