Horizon....an Epistemology

This is a Diary of my Life...in which I will write what I am facing , what I am conquering , what I am doing, what I am achieving..and stuffs...after all me too having life on earth.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A solution or a problem!!!

Now a days life is becoming complecated again as it was before three months. not only because of work but also with my personal life.

I have met a girl for the matrimonial purpose, I found that she is not my kinda girl, We met at Cafe coffee Day, she is an interior designer that well educate and well cultured, but some how I did not find her suitable for me, she may get better than me, She also send me a massage from his new mobile number for informing me the number but I have deleted that.

She asked me " Why you speak so less?" that was the funniest moment of my life I thought what should I speak to a girl (as I am very shy and introvert) whom I am meeting for the first time.

My parents had found a good match for me and called me to come to my native to see her and if everything goes fine we may get engaged in this month december. What is this, do not you think I require my own time. to get adjusted with new job new environment and new people...
Lets see what is there for me from GOD.

My viva is not yet been done!!ooohhhffff....
what should I do? this people will not allow me to go for the viva even for a single day..My guide is not doing anything as she is on leave...rest left to god really!!!!
I will lose my degree if it is not been done on time..but its not my fault is it?

next one month (december) will be very crucial for me...lets see...

GOD HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Every problem you have is solvable if you are willing to become a better person. - Nicholas Pratt"

Good bye and take care!!!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Attitude will take you altitudes!!

This is the signature line of my NEW boss. Nice one but it does not determines one's nature.
My job is going OK, rest everything is fine except THAT one thing.... I repeat the deadline is December 25th.

The world is getting smaller through internet, Now I am able to find many of my friends through INTERNET and other community sites. It really feels great to know your friends after many years.

This blogger beta is really good, but has a bug which I have found (I am a Software Tester!!)
The comments of the previous blogs will be changed of the name in Beta it will become " Anonymous".

This sunday CAT (common admission test) was there, It was a good Experience to just go thre and watch how people are prearing and dedicatd to the asia's toughest xam to get in Asia's top most Management institutes. By seeing them I feel I am nowhere......

Life is going OK, just getting bored here in week ends. Planning to have friendship with some girl so week end will not be boring....( :-)!!!joking)

"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."

good bye and take care!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I want to achieve !!!

I really want to achieve something.Yesterday I recieved a message from one of my friend it was as follows.

If you want to enjoy your life treate your day as your first day and if you want to achieve something in life treate your day as your last day!!!!

Yesterday I spoke to my friends on phone...it was good that somebody remembers you through their good times and most importantly in their bad tiimes!!!! I think, To help friends in their bad times or when ever they need you is the real meaning of friendship!!!!

Just now completed the test of how Nerd are you!!!

just take that test it is good.


It shows that I am 60% of nerd than all who has taken the test...I think it is true!!!

In job as of now going ok, still have to work hard to gain knowledge and I am sending 12 hours in office.
I won't b able to go to my friend's marriage in december because of my new job. What to do?
can not help it but it will be a lot of fun out there I am sure!!!!

"THAT" thing is still there in my mind and will b there till 25th december (deadline) lets see..

" God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and Wisdom to know the Difference."
- Anonymous

Good bye and take care!!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Knowledge is POWER

Hello Readers,

I am researchiing on satisfacion in Job. I found that all the people in the entry level or fresher job will no have job satisfaction because of two main reasons (I am sure)

1. They do not know what is the business requirement and why they are here.
2. They do not know what they are doing or in what they have intrest or do they do the things with the passion in which they are having interest.

So the dissatisfaction il turn in to attrition.

Now a days I am making up my mind to start reading useful and knowledgeable books so that I can gain as much knowldge as I can, Because life is so short and so many things to do...

Tomorrow I am planing to go to the Book fair in the city, I will buy some books
Job is goin on fine.Just on concerned of THAT thing keeps my mind troubling and it will take on more month to get the rid of that. Let's se what god has created for me.

Here in this new city I am getting bord in week ends because I dont have many friends and no place known to m to hang out just seating ideal at home reading, Watching TV and Eating..Lets se how this weknd will turn out.I am planning to do somthing different, like to go out and all....

"Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, "Certainly I can!" Then get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt

Good bye and Take care!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Master or no to be master

Hello Readers,

I am doing my masters in Engineering in Information technology and I completed my course just waiting for the final VIVA to be done ( since waiting for 5 months) now it is like fruhstrating. who wants to have patience for 5 months when one have completed all the papers and all the project work. Just now I have called my friend he is telling like there is no one in the department present and Madam is not available. I think one more mmonth will go like this.I can not do anything about that.

At work everything is fine. Now it has been 2 months (Exactly) here in this new city. Just one thing bangs in my mind throughout day and nnight about that.I can not help it what to do? Many of my friends are getting married and settling down in next month. I will not be able to attend the wedding obvious reason of not getting leave from the job.

As of now I am reading AlChemist- The Best seller, It is indeed a nice book to read and get motivated by the story of a shepherd boy.It will get over in 2 days.
Now a days I am searching for the activity club in nearby area but could not found one. In weekends its a kind of boring over here, just watching TV will not fetch you anything in Life.

"If you dont express your self, Who will?"

Good bye and Take care!!