Horizon....an Epistemology

This is a Diary of my Life...in which I will write what I am facing , what I am conquering , what I am doing, what I am achieving..and stuffs...after all me too having life on earth.

Friday, January 16, 2009

New Year and New goals...

Hello Readers,

I know again I am delaying to post and not updating regularly but this is just another excuse that I was a lot busy past 2 months following a slipped scheduled project and not giving time to family and friends.

2009 is a year of HOPE for all of us and it is indeed a prospective and fruitful year I am expecting.

Things to do in this year:

1. Learn new things in personal and professional life.
I always think no matter how good you are we need to polish our self to remain in this competitive market.

2. Buy a car.
Well, A new one or a second hand I do not mind if I have money to spend for the fuel.

3. Go out for a holiday for about 2 weeks.

It has been 14 months that I went for a holiday, I need a logical break very much.

4. Start share trading in a meaningful and lesser risk involved way.

I am passionate about share trading and I am bold enough to admit that I did mistakes a several times, but if you do not do mistake then you do not learn.

5. Loose 15 Kg.
I need to be fit in this year.

6. Read more books and complete the incomplete one.

I read 3 full books this year no matter how much busy I am, I have 2 books half done so need to read a lot.

7. start delivering lectures in a regular basis.

Well This was my plan for year 2008 but things did not turned out well so I am expecting good year ahead.

8. Learn good business and personal communication which is effective and influential as well.

Communication plays a vital role on what ever things you do in life and I am commited to be the best in this.

9. Update blog on a regular basis.

Yes I will do that.

10. start building a personal brand.
To become a successful person personal branding is necessary.

"Do the things which others can not, that is called as TALENT"

" You will never find time for anything, if you really want time then you must make it"
-Charles Buxton

Good Bye and Take Care!!!!