Horizon....an Epistemology

This is a Diary of my Life...in which I will write what I am facing , what I am conquering , what I am doing, what I am achieving..and stuffs...after all me too having life on earth.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ok.....I know I am late....

Hello Readers,

I truly apologize for being late in writing and not blogging for a month or so.. but I again promise to keep you all updated about yours truly.

Ok so let me tell you what happened on a fantastic day that is 17th September 2008, I was working as usual in the office and project manager called me in ton his cabin. I went as I was suspecting something is going on his mind and he wanted to share it with me.

He broke the silence with saying me "The project that you are working on is now not with us" I asked as I was aware of the stuff through one of my friend.

Now I straight away said OK now wat next....
He said you will be moved to different project, I agreed and went to my desk...

I was thinking sitting down on my seat. that how much pain I took to execute this project. I worked day and night and had an emotional attachment for the project and now it is not my baby.

Rest is going fine.

next post soon....

A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.
- Johann W. von Goethe

Good Bye and Take Care!!!!