Horizon....an Epistemology

This is a Diary of my Life...in which I will write what I am facing , what I am conquering , what I am doing, what I am achieving..and stuffs...after all me too having life on earth.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Decision making

Hello Readers,

There is a question which is currently disturbing me, do you take your decisions, now decisions can be any like, Financial, Personal, Professional or any in that case.

I would say, for me it is my parents almost all the time. cause they are experienced but then it makes me more dependable and not a learnt person.

I really need to take my decisions my self.

Indian idol 5 is going on and what the fuck is this, why Anu Malik shows off. what is he doing. he wants to take more lime light then the contestants. always praising too hard is what he does.

Does it really make sense? Salim on the other end is a cool guy and always knows his limits, dis he any time sung a song, no because he does not know but this irritating anu malik always tries to throw his pathetic voice and short poems are so irritating that some times I got vomiting feeling.

Sunidhi Chauhan no doubt is a good judge as she is learnt and industry leader in singing but I think she has to learn humbleness and I think she fears competition as Bhoomi is a very good singer with different voice.

Salim Suleiman is the person who I like for his humbleness and a down to earth attitude. He always gives chance others to speak. Anu Malik might be a legendary singer but that does not mean he has rights to offend contestants. They do not know some things in singing as they are still learning and they want to learn, that is the reason why they are contesting. who are you to taunt them, insult them in front of the country just because they make mistakes in learning mode instead helping them to learn.

I hoped Ms. Bhoomi trivedi would won, but Sriram won, he is indeed a good singer but Bhoomi could have been a complete package as she has X factor and a different voice.

Things for Indian idol production team to learn.

1. Kick out Anu Malik from judging, he is now old. Give chance to others.

2. Why do they do not take any girl presenter with Hussain, what is this Abhijeet sawant doing here. He just repeats what Hussain says or guest judge says. apart from repeating voting information what did he do? nothing but just a cheap and irritating mimic.

3. Chang from Indian idol 4 is better then this Abhijeet Sawant.

4. This VITO power given to judge is absurd, every one is competing for the same position, if given a second chance to one is definitely injustice to all others.

5. In Audition, please do not telecast fucker Anu Malik's insulting comments. That is depressing to the ones who are getting humiliated in front of the entire country, If given a chance I would sing like Anu Malik and make his fun and see what does he feels, If he does feel bad then he will realize what others would have felt.

6. Last, I am the one who can judge contestants and Judges better than any one else. Call me.!!!

" A wise men makes his own decisions, an ignorant men follows public opinion"
- Chinese Proverb

Good Bye and Take Care!!!!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Innovative thinking

Hello Readers,

I think to stay alive in the competition one has to think informatively and to think a different and out of the box all the time one has to think all the time.

In India, there is a toughest competition to get in to IITs, People who do not get in to IITs go to MIT, Harvard and Carnegie but the first choice is IIT, out of 1, 60,000 students who appear for IITs only 3500 get selected so it is 1/10th of the total applicants and competition in MIT, Harvard and Carnegie put together. that is what quality is called. the people I met who are from IITs are one of the most confident and self assured. I wish I could have joined one of the tops.

I am happy as my trip is going to end in some days, yes now in some days ad not in months, happy to go back and spend time with family. also my plans for one more degree. I want to be a learner for life. learning and keep on learning.

Some times I think my friends are not real friends. they don't call me for long and always I am the one who make calls all the time, It's not that I do not want to call them but if I call them twice then I should expect them to call me at least once. anyways I have my own problems to solve and they have their own can not comment on that and I wont call them unless they call me.
may be this is just a phase and this too shall pass.

" Creative activity could be describe as a type of learning process
where teacher and pupil are located in the same individual"

- Arthur Koestler