Horizon....an Epistemology

This is a Diary of my Life...in which I will write what I am facing , what I am conquering , what I am doing, what I am achieving..and stuffs...after all me too having life on earth.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

what say....

Hello Readers,

I am in a strange situation now. I do not know what to do?

Boss has given me a small assignment for 3 months and expects me to learn each and everything so that he can keep the knowledge rolling. I do not have any issues with that. The issue is the assignment that he has given me has nothing to learn. I can not learn anything new in the assignment instead I can change the process and implement the whole new process in to it.

Here everything is running below average process and I am suppose to make all presentations on the new things learnt by me at the end of the assignment I spoke to Boss that there is nothing new to learn and make any presentation out of this he is not agreeing he wants me to prepare an agenda every week for stupid meetings... for 2 weeks it is fine but for 12 weeks...it i not possible for me to make 12 new agendas and prepare a foolish presentations on that.

Apart from that the client is not literate enough to understand the processes and industry practices he just sits work and goes home. He is not interested from getting trained on all refined new processes. I tried once on giving my feedback on existing standards and processes that is being followed but then my Boss told me that you are here not give suggestions but to follow orders. Oh.Man How can I make him understand that what ever I am doing is good for overall improvements. Anyways this is also a new experience for me to grow green fields in a desert ;-)

MIT is superb. I do not find any words to explain the beauty of the institute. Now I got to know that why so many people across the world tries for getting in to the supreme institution like this.

really amazing....

Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.-- David M. Burns

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." Ronald E. Osborn

Good Bye and Take Care!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

An Indian story...

Hello readers,

I was about to write on my visit to MIT but an issue I thought is more important then that.

Have you ever heard or saw an indian cursing other indian on being indian.. well I seen that here is the incident.

Last week me and my friends went to Burlington- Boston (MA)

There is a restaurant at the mall which is run and operated by indians me and my fellow colleague were just searching for the items that can be found in an indian restaurant which we thought will have some good food so we were just seeing the display from quite a far.

Now seeing us that owner of the restaurant(of course indian) muttered some thing to his indian servants and they were laughing seeing us. when we came closer to the restaurant; the boss and servant looked at us in an evil way and screamed at us.

Boss: hey you people don't you see a queue here?

Servant: This indians never understand a word call discipline.

Me: Excuse me gentleman we are already in a queue and I think you should mind your language

Boss: Hey just shut up ok, do not try to be smart, I know you people. you are coming here and grabbing Americans jobs.

Me: So do you. right ? you are not doing anything different from that

Now he was very angry on me and as we lost interest in having a food from there we just moved out and went to other restaurant.

Now whenever he sees me he tries to behave awkwardly, I feel pity on him.

Story 2:

I was in a subway train yesterday afternoon and an elderly american gentleman came and sat beside me and we had a very good conversation

Man: hey young man where are you from?

Me: India

Man: oh. nice country.

Me: yes

Man: what do you do?

Me: I am in to Softwares.

Man: Oh. I saw many indians coming to America for software work.

Me: oh. Yes

Man: So I think your country gives you good education which is compititive enough

Me: yes.

Man: good . all the best and enjoy here.

Me: Thank you.

Just see the difference between these two conversations, I really feel bad about that indian experience..

Rest going good.

... ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
John F. Kennedy

Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.
Adlai Stevenson

Good Bye and Take care!!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

life is fast and furious

Hello Readers,

Some time I think Life is so fast and sometimes it is a stand still.

A couple of months earlier I was just 1000Kilometers away from my home and now I am 10,000 miles away from my home. I am really not sure why everything is going so fast.
Anyway I just been to Harvard and believe me it is just amazing, Ambani borthers have studied from there and it is the number one business school in the world.
here is the photo of world's first calculus computer from IBM in Harvard science center. it can not even fit in to a single frame.

people here are very co operative and supportive, they will guide you for every bit u need.

I even spoke to the director for 10 minutes regarding what differentiates Harvard from other schools and the reply was "students". I observed students are very studious and ofcourse intelligent.

Next plan is to visit MIT.

A true leader seeks the leader in others.
-Rosie Cash

Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows oldFamous Quotes and Sayings - Franz Kafka