Reflections of the light!!!!
Hello Readers,
I was back yesterday from my hometown. It was a huge fun filled 4 days with all my friends and family.
Day 1:
- I drove my new Bike to pick my fiancee from railway station.
- we went to watch a movie.
- We went to a function of my friend who was getting married next day.
- Met all friends and had a lot of fun.
- Met my niece (1.5 months old).
Day 2:
- Went to play football with all my friends.
- It was raining heavily and we had a lot of fun while playing football.
- I played football after a year.
- I met my friends and went to see a movie and then to a nice dinner.
Day 3:
- Went to wedding of my friend in the morning.
- came home and spend tie with my family.
- went to wedding reception of my friend.
All the three days was a huge fun. Now I am back to business (job).
Today I am having my appraisal meeting and I have a meeting with my manager for the discussion. I am going to tell my manager about my achievements and all the good deeds I did for the team and organisation.
I think the appraisals and ratings are all decided earlier, this is just a formalities.
Rest is fine.
- Self-Confidence
Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny. All the strength and succor you want is within yourselves. Therefore, make your own future.
- Vivekananda
Good bye and Take care!!!