Horizon....an Epistemology

This is a Diary of my Life...in which I will write what I am facing , what I am conquering , what I am doing, what I am achieving..and stuffs...after all me too having life on earth.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Engagement: An engagement is an agreement or promise to marry, and also refers to the time between proposal and marriage. During this period, a couple is said to be affianced, engaged to be married, or simply engaged.

Yahoooooo!!!! I got engaged....

This saturday I got engaged. I had a blast on my engagement. every one was happy.

Me and she went ou to watch a movie. that was a very good movie indeed.we both had a blast.

I am very happy and am back to my work place which is 1000 kilometers apart.

again I have started planning to go home..:) :)

At everything is going fine. I started learning new things.

I believe in short term plans that is in a year or 2 what I want to achieve and what I have to do like that.

That should be the thing one should keep in mind to get ahead in life.

"We must inoculate our children against militarism, by educating them in the spirit of pacifism... Our schoolbooks glorify war and conceal its horrors. They indoctrinate children with hatred. I would teach peace rather than war, love rather than hate."
- Albert Einstein

Good bye and Take care!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Life is Like that...

Finally after argueing so much I managed to take 2 days leave for my engagement, fair enough.
My team lead told, Hence on any request will turn down. what the hell...
I can not take leaves also...that to not extra leaves...leaves that are there in to my account and I am eligible to take that when ever I need.

All preparations are done for my engagement which is on this saturday. We both are very happy.
It will be some what hectic for me to rush here and there for shopping and all...but it is OK for me as far as every one is happy enough.

I will starting after 5 hours from now. and she is going to pick me at airport.

"Wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never thrown away."

- Sir Arthur Helps

Good bye and Take care!!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hello Readers,

I know I am posting after 15 days (Exactly) but this days were very hectic for me. Only work and work on wek ends also for compensating for my holidays which I am going to take next week. I do not undrstand this Compnsatory Off Fundamental at office at all. If a person is going to take a casual or planned leave than he/ she has to compensate for that, If so then what is the use of having a leave in your account.

Though I am working for 12 hours now, Also in week ends this people will not allow me to take leaves more than 2 day.

Now you all must be thinking why I am so upset about leaves, Its because I am going to my home town for my engagement, she leaves there and I am here, 1000 Kilometers apart...
so I have this many concerns......

Rest is going fine. Work is OK. Getting in to many modules.

My would be better half is fine, I did not expected this much support for my career and for my Professional life.she is giving me the full support for what ever I want to achieve in life.

In IT trms people are called as a RESOURCE instead of Employe or Candidate or a Person, this thing I do not like, The person who is working for the company for 12-14 hours a day he should get some respect at least.Are they machine or what?

" Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom –
-Anonymous "
Good Bye and Take care!!!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hello Readers,

I just returned from my native which I went for the week end and new year celebrations.
I am getting engaged end of this month to a beautiful girl. We spend a quality time with each other during new year.

At work everything is going OK and working hard to achieve my targets.
Rest everything is OK. The place which I live is now occupied by 3 other guys, they are also from the same place where I am. Now the room is litle bit congested but its OK I can manage for 3-4 months.

Sometimes I donot feel like saying NO to people I just say Yes even If I mean NO or I am not going to do anyhing. I have to learn "How to SAY NO"..

"In an age of globalization, we need to recognize that others' problems are our problems too - and that we do not have all the answers."

- Clyde Prestowitz

Good Bye and Take care!!!