A trip to Tirupati Tirumala Balaji temple

" The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance - and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning."
This is a Diary of my Life...in which I will write what I am facing , what I am conquering , what I am doing, what I am achieving..and stuffs...after all me too having life on earth.
" The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance - and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning."
Hello Readers,
Consequences are superb teachers.
Their lessons touch you profoundly and stay with you for life. Many of the abstract concepts you come across are quickly forgotten. The consequences you experience, on the other hand, are nearly impossible to forget.
Through consequences you learn, in a personally meaningful way, what works and what doesn't. Through consequences you learn what's important and why.
Both the painful consequences and the joyful ones
are quite memorable. Most importantly, not only do you remember the consequences, you also remember what specific thoughts and actions brought you to them.
You have the magnificent ability to make things
happen, to create your own consequences. The more you learn from the experience of your consequences, the more reliably you're able to create the precise outcomes you desire.
Everything you do has a consequence, and every
consequence has a lesson. Learn well, and create all the best you can envision.
Wish you all a very happy and healthy new year